Weather for Ducks?? – Dishforth Flying Saturday 23 September

To say the conditions were mixed today would be something of an understatement, we saw everything but snow!

Arriving at Dishforth to torrential rain and the prospect of no flying to the sun briefly “cracking the flags” to wind then flat calm then swinging wildly making it interesting for us glider pilots, the power flyers having awkward wind directions but this didn’t stop the flying and at the end of the day a good time was had by all.  

My first flight saw abundant lift as the sun dried up the runway and I clocked a 28 min “test” flight while Paul who was already flying when i arrived clocked a 45 minute flight.

Next flights weren’t so good and lift became harder to find until we were flying in near dead air and decided to call it a day.

to sum the day up i’d say challenging but still fun!